Proverbs 16:7

When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Psalm 118:24

This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

PROVERBS 6 : 16-19

16)These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: 17) A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18) An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19) A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Food for thought

It is illegal to read the Bible in the public schools of Illinois, but a law requires the STATE to provide a Bible for every convict! Don't worry, kids, if you can't read the Bible in school, you'll be able to when you get to prision! Baptist Beacon.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's time to wake up Christians!

Because of my health problem's my husband had to move us around a lot to find the job that paid good and had good benefits.Not only did he find it here, but he now really like's his job.While moving so much we were in and out of a few church's.I am sorry to say that most were cold.The pastor's would not preach anything that might make someone mad.I honestly believe that the Lord put the man of God in the pulpit to step on toes.That's how the Lord tell's people what they are doing wrong.We as christians need to wake up and stop being numb to the evil around us.I pray that the Lord will send us a revival like this world has never seen before.Thinking about sleeping christian's reminded me of a story I read once.I thought that you all might like it. ......... Prayer FOR RATTLESNAKES: Once upon a time there was a family of wayward church members who had once been active, but had lost all interest and had fallen away. there were the father and three sons,Jim,John,Sam.The elders had talked to them about their lost condition, the preacher had visited them, and many of the brothren had tried to get them to come back to church--but all this did not seem to do the least bit of day when the boys were out in the pasture, a large rattlesnake bit John and he became very ill.The physician was called and after an examination,he pronounced John to be in a very critical condition said he,"About all you can do now is pray." The father called the preacher,and told him of john's condition. He asked the preacher to pray for John's recovery and this was his prayer:"O wise and righteous Father,we thank Thee, for Thou hast in Thy wisdom sent this rattlesnake to bite John, in order to bring him to his senses.He has not been inside the church house for years and it is doubtful that he has in all that time felt the need for prayer.Now we trust that this will prove a valuable lesson to him,and that it will lead to genuine repentance."And now, OFather, wilt Thou send another snake to bite Sam,and another to bite Jim, and another BIG ONE to bite the old man.We have all been doing everything we know for years to restore them,but to no avail.It seems,therefore,that all our combined efforts could not do what this snake has done. We thus conclude that the only thing left that will do this family any good is rattlesnakes;so Lord, send us bigger and better rattlesnakes.In the name of Jesus we pray.Amen" (The Canadian Christian)..................... Maybe I shouldn't be praying for revival but for rattlesnakes!!!!!! I found this story in "THE SWORD OF THE LORD SCRAPBOOK" It is a great book.


  1. I think that's why we face hard circumstances in this life. It is to improve our character and to remind us that God is in control.
    God Bless you, Cathy
